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Buzz, Generated — Missy Hitz (Monacella Massage & Kinesiology)

Missy Hitz joins the podcast to discuss her business: Monacella Massage & Kinesiology. Before that though, we also touch on Missy's mentorship work with Paramount Pursuits, a small business incubator and economic development consulting partner in Erie. We also discuss how she grew up in small business, along with what she's currently reading in our free time.

Sponsored by: Erie Regional Chamber & Growth Partnership

This podcast is a product of the NWPA Innovation Beehive Network. Most guests are clients that have used our free, grant-funded services.

Music: Kevin Macleod’s "pamgaea" available via Creative Commons Attribution-International 4.0. License:, No changes were made.

Music by Audionautix's "Roboskater" by Jason Shaw available via Creative Commons Attribution-International 4.0. License:, No changes were made.